Week one:
Introduction to Pinterest Strategy: How to think about Pinterest differently, and learn what you can do to leverage the platform to grow your business.
Sales Flow Strategy: They key to actually making money? Learning how to do sales. In this lesson you’ll learn our 6-step process for leading clients and customers through the sales process in a way that is anything but sleazy — it’s supportive!
SEO for Pinterest: Find out how to use specific terms that your clients and customers are searching for on Pinterest. Here you’ll learn how to find terms, and where to use them to make sure people are finding you online!
Week two:
Anatomy of a Blog Post: Learn how to create a blog post that turns readers into raving fans, and right into your email list or a sales call.
Content Creation on Instagram: Figure out your own way for creating content on Instagram that positions you as a go-to resource and must-follow profile.
Email and Instagram Sales Funnels: You’re growing your list, and people are following you...now what? This lesson covers how to take next sales steps to turn all those new people heading your way into money in your bank account!
Week three:
Designing Pins: Figure out a one-of-a-kind visual strategy for attracting your people on Pinterest. Be THE stand out choice for your people!
Setting up your Website: Learn how to turn those new website viewers into sales calls, email subscribers, or a booked out calendar.
Setting up your Pinterest: Position yourself as an expert, and create a strategy for pinning that works time and time again. You’ll learn our top-performing strategies for blowing up your Pinterest account (in a good way!)
Setting up your Tailwind: Tailwind is our preferred way to schedule ongoing pins on Pinterest. This will help you make the most of your time, and implement a strategy that helps you get tons of traffic heading your way.
Week four:
Analyzing Statistics: Once everything is up and running, here you’ll learn how to see what is working and what needs tweaking to work better. We’ll show you what statistics we look for that matter most when it comes to reaching your business goals.
Creating a Strategy Report: Whether you’re wanting to log your growth over time, or you’re wanting to create a report for clients’ Pinterest, this lesson will cover how we create strategy reports to track business growth. We are all about ROI, and this is how you can see how Pinterest is actually working for your business!
Bonus Lessons
Resource List: Links to resources mentioned throughout the course. We will add to this as the course grows so you always have what you need access to quickly and easily!
Pinterest Management as a Service: Here we deep dive into how you can offer Pinterest Management as a profitable service within your business! We go over specific details on how we offer and deliver this service in our agency, including profit margins, schedules, and how to position and sell this to your people!
Pinterest Basics: Super new to Pinterest? Opening your account for the first time ever? This lesson will catch you up so you can get started with the money-making-magic it has in store!