I’m procrasti-moving.
Today I head off back home for a bit to celebrate with a wedding and some family time. After a whirl-wind of a summer, piggy-backing right off a crazy quarter, this could not have come soon enough. Over the next few weeks I’ll be traveling here from North Carolina, to Erie, to Chicago, and back to Savannah before I head off to Hilton Head for a while. I sure do try and pack my traveling in when I can!
This summer has been such an eye-opening experience for me as not only a designer, but as a person. As I was getting my first look into what working life will be like in the years to come, I’ve been going through some pretty big personal steps in my life as well. I feel as though this summer has really taught me how to focus on myself and do what I need to stay healthy and be a happy human.
A couple of weeks ago I had the luck to sign up with Doctor Elizabeth Vaughn who just happened to have her practice thirty minutes away in Greensboro. Some of you may know, but over the past ten years or so I’ve been dealing with a lowered immune system that causes me to get bed-ridden sick for a week or two every couple months. I’ve definitely written a couple of these over the past year or so. While each time it has been something completely different, I knew that I haven’t been treating my body completely right and that there is something underlying that I just need to get control of in my life to make me a healthy functioning person. I knew these bouts of sickness weren’t something that I should have to deal with for the rest of my life. While I’ve only been to one group meeting with Dr. Vaughn, I almost cried out from the feeling of how much I felt at home in her practice. She prescribes ‘normal’ medicine for short-term fixes, but really teaches you how to cure your body deep down through natural means. She’s who I’ve been searching for in a doctor all my life. I felt so lucky to be starting on this process of healthy living at a young age, compared many of the others in the room. I want to learn how to take care of the body that I have now instead of putting band-aids on the sicknesses I might have as I get older.
As a next step before I go through my individual appointments Dr. Vaughn has her patients go gluten, dairy, sugar, and corn free for two weeks, and then has them reintroduce one food group throughout the next couple weeks to see how the body reacts to those foods. In these two short weeks I have never felt healthier in my life, and I feel like I’ve finally found the motivation to push forward with my life in my own hands. Oh, and did I mention I’ve lost 12 pounds?! I’m still amazed at how food could have been contributing to my negative thoughts, my impulse to nap every day, or my constant anxiety over small issues. Food! Seriously!
While I’m still at the very beginning of this journey, I’m hoping to share a little bit about it on here (like the bacon and maple glazed kale chip recipe—that was born out of my need for foodie-food on my new path). I’m hoping that having an outlet like this will really help me push forward with all the ground that I’ve already made. After all, I did name this blog Pinegate Road for a reason. I wanted to be able to travel down whatever path I felt my life guiding me in and have a place that could reflect that along the way, wherever that may be, creatively or otherwise. So whether it’s to the health, or the traveling kind, let’s all take this August to take in a little more adventure shall we?
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